Every Wednesday this term we went to Tamaki College for Tech. We had Mr Grundy as our teacher and he taught hard material. It was fun in his class. At the end this is how our objects turned out on our last session.
I am a year 8 student at Ruapotaka School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 12 and my teacher is Mrs Golder.
Monday, 14 December 2015
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Book Week Poster
This week and last week we made a book week poster to hang up in our school library. Our book week poster was based on Elisabetta Dami and her famous books that she wrote are the Geronimo Stilton sreies. We all contributed in to it and it was kind of hard work. At the end we finished everything and this is how it turned out.
Elisabetta Dami
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Syndicate Assembly 29/11/15
On Monday Room 9 hosted syndicate assembly. Their assembly was so awesome because they had a Lip Sync Battle to see who was the best and who will win the LSB belt. Room 11 won it but in the end everyone had fun.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Being Sick On Touch Rugby Day At School
I’m sick. Looks like I’ll be sleeping, daydreaming and laying in bed all day. Oh wait, I’m missing out on touch rugby day at school.
Last Thursday early in the morning I felt sick so my mum told me to stay home but I wanted to go to school. I stayed home and remembered it was touch rugby day at school and I felt sad because I was going to miss out.
When I was at home the only thing I could do was lay down in bed and just watch T.V. I was so bored I started to get out of bed but I couldn’t because I just felt like I was going to fall so I layed back down.
When I was at home the only thing I could do was lay down in bed and just watch T.V. I was so bored I started to get out of bed but I couldn’t because I just felt like I was going to fall so I layed back down.
Hours later I looked at the time and it was 12.30 in the afternoon.
“It’s lunchtime and I’m hungry bring me some lunch,” I yelled.
My mum brought me some lunch and I ate it. Afterwards I fell asleep and when I woke up it was 2.49 and school was already finished but I was still sick until that morning.
I was sad the I missed out on touch rugby but staying home was the right thing to do so I could get better for the next day.
Touch Rugby
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
School Maths Test
So hard, not knowing the answer,, thinking you are going to FAIL!
Last week we had a maths test in Room 12. It was only the year eight students who performed their test in room 12. Our whole school does tests every year for our standards in school and so we can improve from the tests in the past.
Firstly we opened our maths test booklet and our class had to sign our name and the and note what school we go to. Next we awaited for the signal from our teacher to start and we only had 45 minutes to do it. When our teacher gave us the signal we all raced away reading and acknowledge our test. Minutes later, I was stuck on a question and I did not know how to solve it, so I glared at the wall for about 3 minutes and then I estimated my answer on my scrap paper.
Afterwards there were only about 15 minutes left and I had 3 more pages to go. I looked around the class and then I looked at my booklet then started answering the question like I had no time left. I finished two pages and one to go I raced off and after 3 minutes I was finish. I looked at the time and I had 3 minutes to spare.
“You should being proofreading your work by now,” advised Mrs Golder.
I started proofreading and correcting my work until Mrs Golder said, “Pens and pencils down, times up.”
I felt excited because I finished my test in time and I had 3 minutes to spare to proofread and fix my work.
Watching An Awesome Poetry Recital Presentation
Last week on Friday the whole school were in the multi purpose room to watch the three finalists from each class present their poetry. All the students who did a poetry presentation in front of the school and some parents sounded amazing and some were very funny.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Room 10 Syndicate Assembly
Yesterday afternoon we had syndicate assembly and the host of the assembly was room 10 year fives. Their assembly was interesting and all about being a champion because our country did well and came first in the Rugby World Cup 2015.
Friday, 30 October 2015
AMF Superbowl
12 strikes and you’re PERFECT!
In the 2 weeks holiday my Mum, and hard working Dad and I went to the AMF Superbowl at Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mount Wellington. We went there for a family night out before I returned to school.
My tall, fat, island dad wanted to go bowling so we went bowling. He is a kind and caring dad. He drove us to the bowling club. When we got out of our van the sun was shiny and the breeze was flowing away.
Firstly, we walked in the bowling club and it was dark. Very colourful dancing lights surrounded the bowling area and lights were flickering to the beat of the song that was playing in the bowling club. Then we went to the counter to pay our lane and to get our bowling shoes but first the man asked us, “What size are you all?”
“Can we have sizes 10, 12 and 13,” replied my Mum.
Next, we finally had our flash shiny, white and red bowling shoes and then we started bowling. I got to start first so I got my bowling ball then I put my fingers through the holes of the ball then I bowled. My ball was travelling to the pins and then the pins CRASHED straight into 3 pins.
Later it was my second turn so I bowled again and I then I got a strike.
Later it was my second turn so I bowled again and I then I got a strike.
“Good luck Mika but I am going to beat you,” challenged my dad.
Then it was my dad’s turn so when he bowled his bowling ball he got a strike straight away. Now it was my mum’s turn and when she bowled her bowling ball she got 11 down but 1 left.
Soon later the points were 87 to my mum, 93 to my dad and 93 to me. It was my last turn and I had a chance to beat my dad. I kept on getting my shots in the gutter ball so I kept trying to talk to my ball when it was on the edge of lane to stop it going into the gutter and I told it “Go right, go left,”
I got my bowling ball and I stood for a little while I felt happy because I had a chance to beat my dad. I bowled the bowling ball and it went straight out so at the end I was even more happier because me and my really cool dad were draw and my mum came second. When I saw the points I was happy because I have never got up to 93 points before.
Finally we finished and we all had fun and I was ready to go back to school.
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Agent Apple Pie
Me, Don and Damien designed a picture for our story that was called Food Myths. Firstly we went on Google and got random pictures and put it on a Google drawing. Then we put the pictures together and we named it Agent Apple Pie.
Monday, 21 September 2015
Topic Study
doe our topic study we did three weeks ago we had to make a presentation about citizenship. Firstly we had to follow the instructions from the daily planner then when we finished we had to hand it in to get it marked.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
My Visual Art
This is what I did in Term 1 for Visual Arts. I drew myself on sumo paint and then I did a painting of myself to put them together with my art. It turned out good because we look very similar.
Maths Square and Cube Roots
This week in Room 12 for maths we have been learning about square and cube roots. For our class to understand how to do it we used uni-link blocks. We built 2 Dimensional square and 3 Dimensional cube. Now the students understand what square and cube roots are and how to calculate them.
Every Friday for Visual Arts we have origami and we have been doing it for four weeks. Everyone in our classroom came up with different kinds of origami ideas from YouTube. We made dinosaurs, butterflies, dogs, cats, bow ties, dresses, air planes, dolphins, flowers, bunnies and hearts.
Origami is based on paper folding techniques and it originated in Japanese.
Origami is based on paper folding techniques and it originated in Japanese.
Our Reading Work
Walt: Make a table to organise the different language features of this story. Decide on which features you wish to focus on. Discuss the author's purpose for choosing a particular language or phrase. Choose some examples in your discussion. Record your responses.
Monday, 14 September 2015
Staying Fit
Students exhausted and tired, and students active and energized.
Boys and girls who were tired and exhausted are the people who don’t keep fit but people who are active and energized are people who are fit and who exercise.
Every morning from Monday to Friday when the bell rings at 8.55am until 9.15am, the Senior Syndicate students which are the year fours, fives, sixes, sevens, and eights jog around the streets surrounding Ruapotaka. The whole circuit was approximately 2.49 kilometres.
First, we lined up outside our classrooms ready for our fitness. After that we set off running out the back gates of our schools and Mrs Golder ordered us, “Take off your jumpers and give them to me.”
When we ran down Tripoli Road I could see the footpath lined with the trees and cars driving past and staring at us running and I felt like quitting at that time.
Two minutes later when I was jogging steadily I could see students just stopping and just talking. While they were walking I could even see some boys sprinting and after that they were exhausted and they just kept walking.
When we were jogging through Hinaki Street I jogged all the way to the end and then Mrs Buchanan, our year five teacher instructed me, “Take your hands off your hips.” After I took my hands off my hips and I was very thirsty but I carried on jogging.
When I made it to the finish line I achieved my running skills. I made an improvement and I built my stamina.
Staying fit is important in our school!
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Syndicate Assembly
There are many people with wonderful talents in the senior syndicate so therefore we had a Talent Quest to display their unique talents.
Yesterday it was our class senior syndicate assembly and we decided to do a talent quest in our assembly. We had an awesome talent quest and our year 7 and year 6 class were tied for first place while the year 5 class came second and the year eight class came third. Everyone had an awesome time at our assembly.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Samoan Singing
From week 3 we had Samoan music every Friday and it carried on for 4 weeks. We learnt lots of Samoan music and even learnt some Samoan words that we didn't know. We had a new song every week to learn. Our tutor who taught us was our teacher aide. She was Samoan and her name was Mrs Folu. We all learnt the song in less than 15 minutes.
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Daffodil Day
What Was On The 28th of August? Daffodil Day!
These are all our daffodils we made in our classroom and we even made the origami vase for the daffodils to sit in.
Daffodil Day
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Being A Citizen In The Community
Being a good citizen is looking after your community by picking up rubbish, raking the leaves, and helping your neighbours do jobs for nothing in return. Doing all these things in the community shows good citizenship to your locals and it also shows responsibility and that you care.
Cleaning in the community and helping others by doing jobs could make someone spot you and might think that you are being a leader and for being a citizenship. If everyone in the community contributes in being a good citizen everyone will be happy and like living in the community.
Showing citizenship doesn’t always mean picking garbage and cleaning, it also means a lot of things to people who are quite older than us. When you become a citizen in the community everyone will be happy and their homes will be looking very shiny.
Being a citizen in the community means you are proud to be flying the country's national flag.
Monday, 17 August 2015
Who Am I? Who Are You?
Personal Identity is what you do and who you are. But mostly about you associating and socialising with your communities and families.
Messaging, social media can make people's emotions and feeling change. Social media sometimes isn’t the true person you are talking too or friends with because some people can be tricking and change their name and picture.
Messaging can affect your social life and sometimes your social life can be affected by locals and your families. When you talk to people on social media you can also make new friends and it can impact your self esteem.
What you experience at school can affect your self esteem. for example if a teacher gives you a lot of jobs to do this shows that you are a responsible and reliable person and this can make you happy because you are being trusted by your teachers.
You can use and share your experiences with the communities. Your character can influence others to help them contribute to their social self esteem. You can influence them by role modeling good behaviour and good character.
Some people I look up to like famous rugby league players such as Shaun Johnson, Manu Vatuvei, Tuimoala Lolohea inspire me to be just like them and to change my character.
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Water Usage
Every life form needs water in order to live, survive and grow. Water is important to everything.
Humans need water for their household tasks like cleaning, gardening, washing, showering, bathing, cooking, drinking, eating and many more. Humans lose 2.4 litres of water each day that's why they have to keep hydrated everyday.
Like humans, animals need to use water. Some animals don’t need that much water because they store the water inside themselves. Animals need water to cool down their temperature because sometimes they will get hot. Animals need water because some live in the sea and if there were no water at all animals in the sea would die. Animals need water to drink, sometimes catching their prey and making their food.
However animals don’t really use water in the same way as humans like using water for their washing, gardening, cleaning houses, using the toilet and going for a bath or shower.
Humans and Animals have similarities and differences for water usages. Without water there would be no life so water is very important.
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Room 12 Year 8 Class Description
We are the senior students of Ruapotaka School. Room 12 has 11 girls 8 boys in total. Mrs. Golder is our teacher in our class. We are all year eight students who enjoy learning. When we work on our devices we always Learn, Create, Share our creations on our blogs.
Everyone in Room 12 is very kind and has a lot of good friends. We are very good leaders and we follow the rules. Our class has two prefects and another two to come. We enjoy laughing, smiling and having a good time with Mrs. Golder. We are all well presented students. We are all unique and special in different ways. We are a mixed cultural class. We are good volunteers. We have a positive attitude to most things.
Mrs. Golder teaches us the academic words which will be very useful in the future. We enjoy being a cybersmart class. We use our netbooks as a learning tool. Our netbooks are essential to our learning!
Written By The year eight students: Simon, Mika, Miria, Melelose and Damien.
Ruapotaka School
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Madd Messenger
On friday afternoon the Madd Messenger people came for a visit to tell us about making right choices. They started with talking about how people make good choices and bad choices. After that we all got up and played a little warm up game. The man from Madd Messenger drew Wonder Woman to finish off the lesson and Damien thanked the Madd Messenger people for coming.
Madd Messenger,
Wonder Women
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Brushing Your Teeth
After rising in the morning and before retiring in the evening you should always brush your teeth. You should brush your teeth for a minimum of two minutes or a maximum of three minutes a day.
Not brushing your teeth night and day can cause bad things to your body when you grow older. When you do brush your teeth night and day it will keep your teeth healthy and shiny.
Not brushing your teeth can lead to diseases such as heart diseases and dementia as your grow older. If you don’t clean and floss your teeth it increases your chances of suffering a heart attack or not being able to remember things.
You should always brush your teeth so you don’t catch any diseases and to keep your teeth clean, healthy and shiny. Remember when you brush your teeth use fluoride toothpaste because when you eat, plaque gets stuck on your teeth and it causes germs and bacteria in your teeth that’s why you should always use fluoride toothpaste.
- Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily.
- Use a fluoride toothpaste to help protect your teeth from bacteria.
- Visit your dentist at least once in a few months.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Have you ever fell off a bike and got a big sore?
Well I have, It all started when I was a little boy and I was only 8 years old and I wanted to ride my bike down a steep hill on a sunny afternoon but then I fell off my bike.
Firstly I quickly grabbed my bike from my dad’s shed then I ran up a hill to ride my bike. After that I went down the hill and I remembered that I wasn't wearing my helmet. As soon as I tried to hold the brakes I just noticed that there were none at all. I tried to put my foot on the ground to stop the bike but then the bike flipped and I fell on my knee. After I fell I got back up and limped slowly home with a bleeding knee. I told my mum as soon as possible once I arrived home. She wrapped a bandage on my knee and iced it. She said “leave the bandage on until it your knee stops bleeding.”
After I fell off my bike I was alright but my knee was bruised and bleeding massively. When it stopped bleeding there was a big sore poking out and I still have it on my knee.
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Preventing Injuries
- Electrocution
- Careless
- Electricity
- Paralysed
- Appliances
- Supervised
Every year people are getting injured from electricity because they weren’t aware of its dangers and because electricity is not safe.
Lack of caution such as playing with electricity leads to dangerous injuries . Being careless around your house and community can also lead to paralyzed muscles and receiving electrical shocks by electrical appliances. Using water with electricity can cause a fire and can impact on your devices.
If you get electrocuted you can get very bad injuries that affect your body. People can also get burnt using electricity and it can put you in hospital or even kill you. You can even get scars that can cause an infection.
Some children play with electricity, cause a problem and they get hurt, burnt or taken to hospital. Children even die from electricity. Children need to be supervised when they are near electronic appliances.
Adults should always repair damaged plugs and cords for their safety. Never leave appliances hot around clothes and children. You should always do these things to keep everyone around you safe.
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Visual Arts
Visual Arts
Every Friday we have been doing Visual Arts. Our W.A.L.T was to encourage an appreciation and understanding of water and its effect on humans and other life forms in their environment.
For Visual Arts we have been drawing an image that relates to our topic, water. My class drew water droplets, H2O logos, Water, Water cycle, Dolphins in the water, and many more.
Firstly, everyone had to draw their own picture with pencil then they started colouring it with pastel. After we coloured it with pastel we took pictures of it then hung it on the wall. I am very proud of mine because it has a lot of detail.
For Visual Arts we have been drawing an image that relates to our topic, water. My class drew water droplets, H2O logos, Water, Water cycle, Dolphins in the water, and many more.
Firstly, everyone had to draw their own picture with pencil then they started colouring it with pastel. After we coloured it with pastel we took pictures of it then hung it on the wall. I am very proud of mine because it has a lot of detail.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Save Yummy Land!
to our school to perform and show us how much we waste
on left over food, rubbish, and much more. They told us a
story about a place called Yummy Land. Then they sang a song about what happened in this land.
In Yummy Land there was a worm and his name was Worm. One day he was very hungry, looking for food in the compost. But the humans didn't put their leftovers for Worm in the compost. Instead they put the leftovers in the rubbish with all the waste and the thrown away things. So Worm couldn't eat anything. Simon saved Worm so that Yummy Land could stay Yummy Land.
Yummy Land
Preventing Illness
Definition of Illness
A sickness affecting your body or mind. Illness can be cured
and treated.
Names of Common Sickness
- Flu
- Chickenpox
- Asthma
- Diarrhea
- Sore Throat
The specific causes of preventing illness is becoming clear through research that many of these conditions are caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental cause. An illness can be caused by not washing your hands, not using a tissue to blow your nose and poor hygiene. Click Here For More Info
Causes of illness can be a sore throat, coughing, running nose, headache and a sore body. An illness can make you get a cold and that cold can get worse over time if you don’t treat it with anything.
Everyone wants to avoid getting sick. Most of the time when we find out it is usually too late to guard ourselves against catching the cold and flu and other contagious illnesses. A sickness can start as a little thing but then it can spread to other people then nearly everyone you stay with might get sick too.
Eating healthy is another way of preventing illness. Keeping fit like doing exercises 3 times a week will keep your body healthy. Being clean, sleeping and going to bed early will also prevent illness.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Combine compatible numbers
We have been learning different kinds of strategies in Maths. I picked this strategy because it is easier for me to do and I like adding big numbers. I just learnt this strategy today and the strategy is called Regroup and Combine Compatible Numbers.
Here is my strategy and my story problem that matches my strategy.
Regroup and Combine Compatible Numbers
One bathtub full of water has 585 litres, another bathtub has 1,000 litres and the third bathtub has 315 litres. How many litres were there altogether in the bathtubs?
=2,000 Litres of water
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Hokule’a Landing
A big waka’s coming!
There were 11 schools in total and about 2,000 children altogether at the Hokule’a Landing at Pt England Reserve. There were quite a few teachers, parents and the people who came in the waka from Hawaii.
Firstly, we walked to Pt England Reserve. When we arrived there we found a spot to sit at. Then we watched the waka travel through the sea.
Secondly we sang songs. The people were coming from the waka. We were singing and some people did some Maori moves. When all the people landed and got off the waka some people did speeches from both sides.
We stood up and got into a long line with the other schools to hi five the people who came in the waka. It took about 10 minutes to get to the start of the line. After that we finally made it to the people that came in the waka so we started to hi five
When the Hokule’a landing ended we started to stand up to go back to school. We got to school in less than 15 minutes.
Pt England
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