
Tuesday, 18 November 2014

The Worlds Shortest And Tallest Man Meet For The First Time


The tallest man in the world and the shortest man in the world met for the first time in London for the 10th annual Guinness World Records Day. Sultan the worlds tallest man is 31 years old and he became the world's tallest living man in 2009. Chandra the worlds shortest man is 74 and became the world’s shortest living man in 2012. The tallest and the shortest living man said that it was very amazing for them to meet each other. Many people from all over the country was at the Guinness World Records event.
I think that it is cool for the shortest and tallest man to meet each other. I bet that they were very surprised when they saw each other. I would be.


  1. Hey Mika, I really like your blog post. Would you like to meet the tallest and smallest man when you grow up?

    1. Hi Estah thanks for the comment and yes I would like to meet the tallest and shortest man in the world.

  2. Malo Mika, I enjoy reading about The Worlds Shortest and Tallest Man Meet For The First Time. Did you know that Chandra is 21.5 inches which is 54cms, that's is so short. If you got the chance to meet both tallest and shortest man what would you do?

    1. Hi Sini thanks for commenting and if I got to see the tallest and shortest man in the world I would take lots of pictures and then share it with everyone.

  3. Hi Mika, I really like your blog. What would you feel to be the tallest or the smallest man in the world?

    1. Hi Raniera thanks for commenting. I would be happy if I was the shortest or tallest man in the world because I would be kind of different to everyone.


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