
Thursday, 19 November 2015

Being Sick On Touch Rugby Day At School

I’m sick. Looks like I’ll be sleeping, daydreaming and laying in bed all day. Oh wait, I’m missing out on touch rugby day at school.

Last Thursday early in the morning I felt sick so my mum told me to stay home but I wanted to go to school. I stayed home and remembered it was touch rugby day at school and I felt sad because I was going to miss out. 

When I was at home the only thing I could do was lay down in bed and just watch T.V.  I was so bored I started to get out of bed but I couldn’t because I just felt like I was going to fall so I layed back down.

Hours later I looked at the time and it was 12.30 in the afternoon.
“It’s lunchtime and I’m hungry bring me some lunch,” I yelled.
My mum brought me some lunch and I ate it. Afterwards I fell asleep and when I woke up it was 2.49 and school was already finished but I was still sick until that morning.

I was sad the I missed out on touch rugby but staying home was the right thing to do so I could get better for the next day.

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