
Friday, 12 September 2014

A Robber Caught Sleeping In A Florida House

A robber was caught during his attempted burglary after he fell asleep. 29 year Don Davis broke into a Florida home. He took lots of jewellery and he put it in a bag but after that he lay down on a bed and had a nap. A cleaning lady found Don sleeping in the house so the lady rang the police and the police came and arrested the robber.

When I read the story I was laughing because I have never seen a robber take a nap in middle of robbing a house. I hope other robbers take a nap in the middle of robbing too so it could be easy for the police officers to catch them.


  1. Hey Mika, I really like your opinion...Why would he take a nap while he was robbing the house?

  2. Kia Ora Mikayla thanks for the comment. I think that the robber was very tired so he had a nap. Do you have any ideas why the robber had a nap in the middle of him robbing a house?

  3. Hi Mika, I think he had the nap because he might have been very tired from the night before...

  4. Do you think he might of took sleeping pills before he robbed the house?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Have you ever seen anyone take a nap in the middle of robbing?

  7. I think this man thought nobody lives at the house that's why he took a nap.

  8. Mika, that article was funny and it would be easy to take the robber to jail when they are taking a sleep.

    1. Hi Raniera thanks for the comment and yes it would be easy to take the robber to jail.


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