
Monday, 14 September 2015

Staying Fit

Screenshot 2015-09-14 at 10.30.40.png
Students exhausted and tired, and students active and energized.

Boys and girls who were tired and exhausted are the people who don’t keep fit but people who are active and energized are people who are fit and who exercise.

Every morning from Monday to Friday when the bell rings at 8.55am until 9.15am, the Senior Syndicate students which are the year fours, fives, sixes, sevens, and eights jog around the streets surrounding Ruapotaka. The whole circuit was approximately 2.49 kilometres.  

First, we lined up outside our classrooms ready for our fitness. After that we set off running out the back gates of our schools and Mrs Golder ordered us, “Take off your jumpers and give them to me.”

When we ran down Tripoli Road I could see the footpath lined with the trees and cars driving past and staring at us running and I felt like quitting at that time.

Two minutes later when I was jogging steadily I could see students just stopping and just talking. While they were walking I could even see some boys sprinting and after that they were exhausted and they just kept walking.

When we were jogging through Hinaki Street I jogged all the way to the end and then Mrs Buchanan, our year five teacher instructed me, “Take your hands off your hips.” After I took my hands off my hips and I was very thirsty but I carried on jogging.

When I made it to the finish line I achieved my running skills. I made an improvement and I built my stamina.

Staying fit is important in our school!

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