
Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Being A Citizen In The Community

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Being a good citizen is looking after your community by picking up rubbish, raking the leaves, and helping your neighbours do jobs for nothing in return. Doing all these things in the community shows good citizenship to your locals and it also shows responsibility and that you care.

Cleaning in the community and helping others by doing jobs could make someone spot you and might think that you are being a leader and for being a citizenship. If everyone in the community contributes in being a good citizen everyone will be happy and like living in the community.

Showing citizenship doesn’t always mean picking garbage and cleaning, it also means a lot of things to people who are quite older than us. When you become a citizen in the community everyone will be happy and their homes will be looking very shiny.

Being a citizen in the community means you are proud to be flying the country's national flag.

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