
Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Combine compatible numbers

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We have been learning different kinds of strategies in Maths. I picked this strategy because it is easier for me to do and I like adding big numbers. I just learnt this strategy today and the strategy is called Regroup and Combine Compatible Numbers.
Here is my strategy and my story problem that matches my strategy.

Regroup and Combine Compatible Numbers

One bathtub full of water has 585 litres, another bathtub has 1,000 litres and the third bathtub has 315 litres. How many litres were there altogether in the bathtubs?




=2,000 Litres of water

1 comment:

  1. Nice work Mika! It is really easy to problems with that strategy. The one part I liked about your post is that you showed how to work it out. Its so easy to figure out big problems now! Thanks!


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