
Friday, 30 October 2015

AMF Superbowl

Screenshot 2015-10-15 at 10.20.59.png
12 strikes and you’re PERFECT!

In the 2 weeks holiday my Mum, and hard working Dad and I went to the  AMF Superbowl at Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mount Wellington. We went there for a family night out  before I returned to school.

My tall, fat, island dad wanted to go bowling so we went bowling. He is a kind and caring dad. He drove us to the bowling club. When we got out of our van the sun was shiny and the breeze was flowing away.

Firstly, we walked in the bowling club and it was dark. Very colourful dancing lights   surrounded the bowling area and lights were flickering to the beat of the song that was playing in the bowling club. Then we went to the counter to pay our lane and to get our bowling shoes but first the man asked us, “What size are you all?”
“Can we have sizes 10, 12 and 13,” replied my Mum.

Next, we finally had our flash shiny, white and red bowling shoes and then we started bowling. I got to start first so I got my bowling ball then I put my fingers through the holes of the ball then I bowled. My ball was travelling to the pins and then the pins CRASHED straight into 3 pins. 

Later it was my second turn so I bowled again and I then I got a strike.
“Good luck Mika but I am going to beat you,” challenged my dad.
Then it was my dad’s turn so when he bowled his bowling ball he got a strike straight away. Now it was my mum’s turn and when she bowled her bowling ball she got 11 down but 1 left.

Soon later the points were 87 to my mum, 93 to my dad and 93 to me. It was my last turn and I had a chance to beat my dad. I kept on getting my shots in the gutter ball so I kept trying to talk to my ball when it was on the edge of lane to stop it going into the gutter and I told it “Go right, go left,”

I got my bowling ball and I stood for a little while I felt happy because I had a chance to beat my dad. I bowled the bowling ball and it went straight out so at the end I was even more happier because me and my really cool dad were draw and my mum came second. When I saw the points I was happy because I have never got up to 93 points before.  

Finally we finished and we all had fun and I was ready to go back to school.

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