
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Visual Arts

Visual Arts
Every Friday we have been doing Visual Arts. Our W.A.L.T was to encourage an appreciation and understanding of water and its effect on humans and other life forms in their environment. 
For Visual Arts we have been drawing an image that relates to our topic, water. My class drew water droplets, H2O logos, Water, Water cycle, Dolphins in the water, and many more. 
Firstly, everyone had to draw their own picture with pencil then they started colouring it with pastel. After we coloured it with pastel we took pictures of it then hung it on the wall. I am very proud of mine because it has a lot of detail.

My Award

Screenshot 2015-05-27 at 10.05.21.pngOn Monday at syndicate assembly I

received a certificate from my teacher
Mrs Golder for showing positive
participation and contribution to
my learning. I think I deserve my
certificate because I have been
contributing on nearly everything

we do in class.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Save Yummy Land!

Save Yummy Land! On Monday Matt and Andy came
to our school to perform and show us how much we waste
on left over food, rubbish, and much more. They told us a
story about a place called Yummy Land.  Then they sang a song about what happened in this land.
In Yummy Land there was a worm and his name was Worm. One day he was very hungry, looking for food in the compost. But the humans didn't put their leftovers for Worm in the compost. Instead they put the leftovers in the rubbish with all the waste and the thrown  away things. So Worm couldn't eat anything. Simon saved Worm so that Yummy Land could stay Yummy Land.

Preventing Illness


Definition of Illness
A sickness affecting your body or mind. Illness can be cured
and treated.

Names of Common Sickness  

  • Flu
  • Chickenpox
  • Asthma
  • Diarrhea
  • Sore Throat

The specific causes of preventing illness is becoming clear through research that many of these conditions are caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental cause. An illness can be caused by not washing your hands, not using a tissue to blow your nose and poor hygiene.  Click Here For More Info

                                                            CAUSES OF ILLNESS
Causes of illness can be a sore throat, coughing, running nose, headache and a sore body. An illness can make you get a cold and that cold can get worse over time if you don’t treat it with anything.

Everyone wants to avoid getting sick. Most of the time when we find out it is usually too late to guard ourselves against catching the cold and flu and other contagious illnesses. A sickness can start as a little thing but then it can spread to other people then nearly everyone you stay with might get sick too.

Eating healthy is another way of preventing illness. Keeping fit like doing exercises 3 times a week will keep your body healthy. Being clean, sleeping and going to bed early will also prevent illness.
Displaying Mika preventig illness drawing 001.jpg

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Combine compatible numbers

Image result for maths

We have been learning different kinds of strategies in Maths. I picked this strategy because it is easier for me to do and I like adding big numbers. I just learnt this strategy today and the strategy is called Regroup and Combine Compatible Numbers.
Here is my strategy and my story problem that matches my strategy.

Regroup and Combine Compatible Numbers

One bathtub full of water has 585 litres, another bathtub has 1,000 litres and the third bathtub has 315 litres. How many litres were there altogether in the bathtubs?




=2,000 Litres of water