
Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Pewter Necklaces

On Wednesday at technology we were in  the hard materials class.The hard material tech teacher is Mr Grundy. He showed us that we were going to make a necklace out of pewter alloy .He drew a cat head silhouette  cut the the cat out of the MDF board.When he finished cutting it he got another two MDF boards and he put them on each side of the cat.
Then he melted down some pewter and we had to wait for about 5 to 10 minutes until it turned into liquid metal.When he finished he got the cat and sand papered it with the 180 sandpaper,the 220 sandpaper,the 400 sandpaper,and the 1200 and 1200 wet.
We then watched a video of Mr Grundy making another necklace.

Next week we are going to make necklaces for four people.The pewter necklaces we are going to make is going to take a while and you need to use lots of tools and other thing to make the the pewter necklaces.We are making four people we choose and it can even be ourselves.I am making the pewter necklaces for me,my mum,my dad and my sister.When we make it we are going to be able to use the machines and the tools at hard material.We are going to be able to make our own and Mr Grundy has to watch us make our one because we watched him make his one last week.

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