
Thursday, 26 March 2015

The Deadliest Battle

The Deadliest Battle
25 April 1915

Dear Uncle Pete

I have been selected to fight for New Zealand in the ANZAC force in World War 1 and  we are going to take on the Turkish soldiers.

First we had to dig 4 trenches that were about 5 metres down, then we had to run up a hill with two buckets each and fill it with water to last us the day. It was getting dark so we all laid down and had a rest for the battle tomorrow.

When we woke up we got all our guns and bullets together with the bombs to get ready for the combat. My mate Don ran out and shot in the head straight away by the Turkish soldiers. After that we all jumped in our trenches and we started shooting the enemies. There were about 900 Turks and 700 hundred of us.

At the end of the war we took over the Turkish people and the only people alive were me, Simon and 2 other soldiers. There were blood all over me because I was shot right on my arm.

Before me and Simon  including Don went back to New Zealand in the ANZAC ship we had to lift the dead soldiers inside the hatch.

Simon and I sailed on a ship going back to New Zealand he fell out of the ship and died so it was only me that made it back to New Zealand.

As dead as a t-rex

From your nephew

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

St Kents P.E Day

A Fun P.E Day at St Kents

First we began travelling in a bus to st kents for our school P.E day. When we got to st kents we got welcomed from the students  and their P.E teacher. Then we got the equipments and got ready to have some fun.We walked to the top field at st kents then we had to introduce ourself. After that we practise kicking the ball with our partner. Then we talked about how to kick the ball with your foot and how you aim when you are kicking the ball.

When Matthew finished talking he taught us how to kick the ball in the goal like Cristiano Ronaldo. Everyone in my group were getting better than before at kicking and dribbling the soccer ball.

Matthew said, “now we are ready to play against group 7”, and we did.

After that we started the soccer game and I got the first goal straight away. Next the other team got 2 goals so the score was 2 - 1. At the end of the game we won because the score was 3 - 2 to us. Everyone was so happy but it was time to head back to school in the bus. It was so AWESOME! I was active as a real soccer player!

Everyday Theatre

Screenshot 2015-03-24 at 10.26.10.png
Dear Diary,
Firstly, I have had a bad day because I do not have a room.  Becca moved in and my mum told her that she could have my room. Now Becca owes me big time because I sleep on the sofa. But mostly my bad day was about mum and dad fighting about dad not having a job.

Secondly, mum has a new boyfriend and I spend most of the time playing basketball, hanging out with Jack and staying with dad. When I go over mum’s house I went and stole some of her boyfriend’s alcohol from the garage just like a robber stealing from the bank.

When I see Becca I tell her to do my homework because she is brainy but then she said, “No do it yourself, stop being lazy.”
Sometimes Becca tries to be my sister but she never will.

I really want mum back together with dad and I really want dad to get a job so they won’t argue about dad not having a job. Now I am as sad as a person with no home.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Syndicate Assembly

Syndicate Assembly Award

I received an award for being responsible and showing respect. I have being trying my hardest to be responsible and respectful in class and to other people. When I received my award I knew that I was showing respect to my classmates. MIika