
Friday, 5 December 2014

Firefighters Awarded For Bravery

A Carterton Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief and a Masterton Brigade Member have been honoured for their bravery and strength for their actions surrounding the 2012 Carterton Hot Air Balloon Crash. The awards were presented in a ceremony. They both provided assistance in the crash scene, which 11 people died. The honouring of their bravery at a attended by Internal Affairs Minister Peter Dunne is hoping to bring closure to both the men their, families and members of the brigade.
I think that the two men are very brave. I think that they deserve their awards because I have never heard anyone do something as brave like that.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Lees Disney princess wish granted

Royal entrance Lee Tangiwai- Thompson celebrated her 16th birthday in true disney style. Make a wish foundation helped transform her uncles house into a disney world land. The day was a nice bit of happy magic for Lee. They granted wishes to about 250 children in New Zealand.
I think that Lee had a very amazing birthday. I think that she was very lucky to have a birthday in disney style.