
Wednesday, 27 August 2014

My Finished Pendant

This is my finished pendant that I made at hard material’s tech at Tamaki College. My finished necklace is very smooth and shiny and I can see my face in it. I made a cross for my pendant because I like going to church and the cross is related to church.
I have worked very hard on making my pewter casting necklace and this is what  it looks like.   

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Warriors Struggling To Make Top 8

The Warriors have been struggling to make it to the top 8. At the Warriors latest game they lost to the Roosters and the Warriors dropped down to 10 well the Roosters went up to 3rd in the ladder board. Now the Warriors are remaining opponents with Gold Coast and Penrith.

I think that the Warriors are going to do their best and still make it to the top 8. I remember 
when my team was struggling to make it in the finals and then we won our last game and did.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

NZRFU To Stop Fireworks At Games

The New Zealand rugby union said that they are suspending all fireworks at their games. They had to make this rule because some fireworks at the Bledisloe Cup injured 3 people. Van Tiel Pyrotechnics says that it has been setting up displays for the All Blacks for more than 10 years without incident.
I think they shouldn't ban firework from the rugby union games because they look awesome when they go off.  How did the 3 
people get injured from the fireworks?

Monday, 25 August 2014

All Blacks Win Bledisloe Cup

The All Blacks have won the Bledisloe Cup against Australia. The score was 51-20 to the All Blacks. The All Blacks ran 6 tries to 2 while Aaron Cruden kicked 8 from 9 for 19 points. The result means that New Zealand have not lost a match at the ground since 1994.

I think the All Blacks did very well. The All Blacks did well getting all those points. I remember when I was player for Ellerslie Eagles under 12 and we came first in the ladder.
                                            Attribution Kiwi Kids News

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The English Premier League

The English Premier League has started. Chelsea and Manchester City have both started with victories. Chelsea won 3-1 against Leicester City while Manchester City beat Newcastle.Chris Wood New Zealand striker became the 2nd kiwi to score in a premier league. My teacher Mr Reid’s team West Ham lost in the first round.

I think that Manchester United is still going to win the premier league this year. They had an unbeaten per-season. I remember when my school went to our soccer tournament and we did very well. My favourite position is Goalie.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Really Good Score

The New Zealand women’s softball team has won the world champs.They won 5-1 against Russia. Danica Ferriso from the Black Sox scored 2 runs while Ellie Cooper,Lara Andrews and Mikayla Werahiko each got 1 run.

I think the White Sox did very well and 5-1 is a really good score. I remember when I went to our softball tournament with some other kids from our school and we won 1 game and lost 2 games but we tried our best.
My favourite position in softball is being the pitcher.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Making A Connection

Screenshot 2014-08-12 at 10.09.06.png
I think my comment is very good because I made a connection with Zin Way’s post by saying that the FIFA world cup should be in New Zealand so I could watch every football match. At the end of my comment I asked a question because I didn't know why Messi got the golden ball award.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Black Ferns Crash Out Of World Cup

The New Zealand women’s rugby team has

failed to make it to the semi finals.In the
weekend at the Rugby World Cup. the  Black
Ferns hammered the United States 34-3 in
their final pool game in France.
England and Canada’s match was a draw
13-13 so that meant the team was out of
the semifinals.
The Black Ferns were very disappointed
that they didn't make it to the semi finals.
The best place the Black Ferns can hope for
now in fifth.